

Try as I might...

...I've turned into a grammar snob. Which is weird because I am not that good or consistent in my own writing, obviously.

The realization didn't hit me until yesterday. Picture this....

Big Daddy and I are standing in the kitchen cleaning up the supper dishes. I am talking about something and mention my new obsession with the craigslist classified ads.

"I clicked on an ad, and it said Y-O-U-R instead of Y-O-U *apostrophe* R-E. I wouldn't apply for a job that had grammatical errors in the ad."

(He then pointed out he'd prefer I didn't apply for any job off of craigslist. I think he may have turned into a snob of another sort.)

"Well, that doesn't surprise me. You have got me to where I don't want to write anything because I am afraid I'll misspell something and you'll focus on that instead of what I wrote."

Because we had plans for later in the evening, I didn't want to start anything, but the fact is he hasn't written me anything in the twelve years we've been together. Spelling and punctuation isn't the thing that is holding him back.

He then pointed out that the other night we were watching TV. They were showing parts of letter and someone was reading it. I said, "She misspelled meteor."

I didn't understand then why he laughed. It was right there; anyone could have seen it.

Later on, I told him that someone mentioned I sounded happier and asked if the medication had helped with my obsessions.

He answered with a hearty, "NO."

Oh well...


Fiona said...

Sorry, no sympathy here. I'm exactly the same way. It drives me nuts, especially in political ads, church billboards, etc.

I once got a call from some salesman, who said I should try his product because it was "gratuitous." We had to have a little chat about the difference between that word and "gratis." Then he said, "what are you, an English teacher?" No, dude.

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

I am "lovingly" referred to as the "grammar Nazi". If someone's grammar is bad enough, I quit listening to them, because I'm too busy swearing at them in my head!

Amy said...

You and me, girl.....you and me.

SarahHub said...

When we were in Florida, I saw a man with a tattoo that read:

"Paybacks a bitch"

I almost went out of my mind. I really almost told him he's missing an apostrophe. But I held back. DOESN'T IT DRIVE YOU NUTS, THOUGH? That is PERMANENTLY on his body. FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE!

Still bothers me...

Bridgett said...

Girl, although I know my writing isn't perfect, those things drive me insane too!

We can be snobs together. :)

Courtney said...

Don't get me started. I bet Charlie wishes he had a dollar for every time I flew into a "word rage" over someone else's misuse of punctuation, their lazy spelling, or poor grammar. The attention I pay to my own writing isn't as good, but I'm not the one getting paid to write headlines for a news station, you know?

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