

There has to be a happy ending

Once upon a time, in a land not to far from here, The Queen, her King, and the Princess were called to go to a land, far, FAR away.

The Queen, being of sound mind and body, thought that flying to the land far FAR away was not in the best interest of the Palace.

She tried very hard to get out of it.

Then she received a gift just in the nick of time. Before she knew it, the Queen had made it to the land far, FAR away.

Something magical and unexpected happened while the Queen was away.

She fell in love.

Not with another King. NO! But with....

una Princesa.

You see, una Princesa had lost her Queen and King and was in search of another. Luckily, The Queen and King came and found her. She could be saved!

However, the powers that be in the land far, FAR away are trying to keep La Princesa from her Queen, King, and Princess.

Because the Queen believes in the power of large numbers, she called out to all her servants and asked for prayers and positive thoughts. The servants responded and are now currently waiting for the word that La Princesa has made it HOME.

The servents are easy to spot, as they are seen wearing a bracelet of yellow, black, pink ("but not light pink!").

The humbled servants will continue to wear their braclets until La Princesa is back in the arms of her Queen, King, and Princess, in the land not to far from here.

....And they'll all live happily after.

***The power of numbers is huge. Please link yourself to the Queen's and her adoption process Let's get this out as far as we can! Thank-you for your support.***


Queen B said...

This is the sweetest thing ever.

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey.

(I'm all about the happy ever after!)

Bridgett said...

Oh wow. Even going to the links, I'm so confused. LOL


Brandi said...

So beyond swete. : )

Checking out the links. ; )

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