

2010: A Year In Review

or alternatively titled, "2010: It's Finally Over; Let Us Never Speak Of This Again"

For the better part of the day, I have been trying to think of how I could wind up this year. To be perfectly honest, this past year has bit the big one. This is quite possibly the worst year we've had to date.

I was going to do a month-by-month review, but seeing as I didn't blog from December of '09 until May of this year....

You see my dilemma. Added with the fact that I can't remember something from yesterday, let alone March, I am pretty much done.

I thought maybe I'd give a list of the top 10 things that have happened this year....

Good: We paid off the car...
Bad: after the finance company decided to repossess it for the last payment. Our less-than-four-hundred-dollar car payment ended up costing over two grand. Yep--two-zero-zero-zero plus.

Good: I graduated from college...
Bad: but I still haven't received my diploma because the EDU department messed up. Therefore, the college considers me "dropped out."

Good: My husband asked me to work from home...
Bad: but freelance writing is a tough market and money's thin.

(Still a good thing, though. I LOVE my life right now.)

Good: We didn't lose our house to foreclosure...
Bad: so owe a very generous family member a chunk of cash.

Good: My mom was finally successful in teaching me to crochet and Big Daddy gave me knitting looms for Christmas...
Bad...but I am totally addicted to making things. Yarn (the really pretty and soft ones) is EXPENSIVE.

Good: My healthy children started 12th, 6th, and 5th grade.
Bad: My babies are growing up too fast.

Good: The photo studio were I worked closed in May which meant I could be off during the summer AND still get paid...
Bad: but the state of TN didn't think I was worthy of unemployment benefits and was DENIED.

Good: I turned 36.
Bad: I turned 36.

Good: We took a trip to Ohio in April
Bad: but unfortunately we went because my husband's grandmother passed.

Good: My husband still has a job.
Bad: The quarterly bonuses were cut, Wellness bonus was cut in half, and insurance changed.

2010 was not our year. Some of it was because of poor choices, but the rest was pure, unadulterated bad luck. We both agreed that 2011 has GOT to be better.

Happy New Years to you and yours!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Here's hoping there'll be just as much good (maybe more!) and very little bad.

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