

In other news...I haz a J.O.B.

Of the four people that read this blog, you could possibly already know this news. But there is a point, and I'll be getting there soon.

Since Big Daddy lost his job in February, we've had some struggles, both emotionally and financially, on how to get back on course. Even though I loved watching my friend's baby, and my freelance work had been hit or miss, it was time to find a steady job, even if it meant I had to wear make-up and what my husband refers to as "real clothes."

I had rules for finding a job I would deem acceptable:

  • No restaurants
  • No establishments that would require me to monitor cranky shoppers hell-bent on a good deal in the wee-hours of  Black Friday
  • No factories
  • No cleaning up after people
Not that I am picky or anything. 

I had a lead on a job through one of my friends. She and I would be working together, little to no talking to outside people, and a lot of computer work. In other words, PERFECT.

As per her instruction, I pulled out the magic to apply. Took my resume to the appropriate location. Did poorly on a three-part computer test. And waited for the company to post the job.

This was in May. Said company has yet to post this job. Instead my friend is having to do the work of two people.

Good thing we aren't in a recession or anything.

Then at the end of June, after a series of odd events, the planets aligned, and I applied for and was offered a job at a bank. It's a part-time position, with a livable salary, and a family-first attitude. In other words, MORE PERFECT.

And hello? It's a bank. It's the only job where in the last (almost) four months, I've been off and paid for (almost) four holidays.

However, with all the money (heh) comes a little pain. Little secret: A bank is a business. A bank is still retail. And sometimes people play the-customer-is-always-right-card.

Since I need and want to keep this job, I'll leave it at that.

Also? Money, in large quantities? SMELLS HORRIBLE. Just an FYI for you.


I started this post on Tuesday. I'm sure I had a point of announcing to the world I had a job. I can't remember what that reason was now. But, if for some reason I come home and post a very vague account of some disgruntled customer, at least you won't be all, "What? When did she get a job? I thought she was a writer."

Update on NaNoWriMo: Days 6-8

Behind. Oh so behind.

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