

School Days: (Not So) Balanced Calendar

Signs of PhiladelphiaOur school is on a balanced calendar. Meaning,school starts pretty early - usually late July or very early August. After nine weeks (first of October) we get a two-week vacation. Nine more weeks take us to Christmas, another two week vacation, and so on and so forth until the end of May.

We like it.

This year, the school district apparently thought we were too comfortable with the predictably and chose to shake things up as they were. So, two weeks - one from fall break and one from spring - were moved to other months. We got a week off Labor Day week and will get a week off for Thanksgiving. It's not so bad, I reckon.

With the old calendar there were three days out of the year that were simply unbearable: The first day back from a vacation.

Today was one of those days. And I just realized with the new calendar, we'll have a total of FIVE of those first days back.

Oh, joy.

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